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A Secret Judges List?

It Depends on the What the Meaning of the Word “List” Is

Last month, the New York Times ran a story about left-wing dark-money groups preparing a secret list of judges in case a Democrat is elected president in 2020. According to the Times, “liberal judicial activists have begun a new effort to recommend possible successors who could immediately be funneled into the judicial pipeline.”

The Times reported that the new initiative was called “Building the Bench,” and was being underwritten by the Alliance for Justice, as well as a number of other (unnamed) “liberal advocacy groups and labor unions.”  But here was the kicker: “Unlike the unprecedented Trump list, the liberal groups do not intend to make their recommendations public.”

I responded in this space, wondering why Democratic candidates and these groups were so afraid to say exactly who they would want to nominate to the Supreme Court. My organization, JCN, also ran an ad during the first Democratic debates. We asked: “What are they hiding?” and urged the candidates to release their lists.  In 2016, President Trump told voters exactly who he would nominate to fill the seat left vacant by Justice Antonin Scalia. Why all the secrecy from Democrats? …

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