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Judicial Nominations Update: November 14, 2017

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley continues to process nominees at a consistent pace. Last Thursday, five judicial nominees (including Greg Katsas, nominee to the especially significant U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit) were voted out of committee and joined the sixteen other judicial nominees currently awaiting Senate floor votes. Tomorrow morning, Senate Judiciary Committee hearings are scheduled for an additional six judicial nominees (including two nominees to the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Don Willett and James Ho). Also tomorrow, Pamela Bresnahan, Chair of the ABA’s Standing Committee On The Federal Judiciary, will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the ABA’s questionable rating of L. Steven Grasz, nominee to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also continues to move judicial nominees and announced his intent to hold cloture and confirmation votes this week for two federal district court nominees.

Here is this week’s full update on federal judicial nominations.

Number of total current and known future vacancies: 161

Courts of Appeals: 23

District/Specialty Courts*: 138

Number of pending nominees for current and known future vacancies: 49

Courts of Appeals: 10

District/Specialty Courts: 39

*Includes the Court of Federal Claims and the International Trade Court

Nominees Awaiting Floor Votes

Courts of Appeals: 1

District/Specialty Courts: 20

Nominees Confirmed by the Senate

Supreme Court: 1 Rhino Gold Gel USA blog

Courts of Appeals: 8

District/Specialty Courts: 4

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